The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society

March 18 (Wed) Room H

Young Scientists Symposium2
Recent topics in neuropharmacological research on the pathogenesis of stress-related diseases
Potential involvement of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response in depressive-like symptoms in mice
Yuki Kambe, Atsuro Miyata
Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Sci., Kagoshima Univ.
The function of intracellular muscarinic acetylcholine receptor: influence of physiological stress
Takayoshi Masuoka1, Junsuke Uwada2, Takanobu Taniguchi2, Takaharu Ishibashi1, Ikunobu Muramatsu1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Sch. Med., Kanazawa Med. Univ., 2Div. Cell. Signal Transduct., Dept. Biochem., Sch. Med., Asahikawa Med. Univ.
Neural mechanisms involved in the physical stress-induced inhibition of ovarian function
Fusako Kagitani1,2
1Univ. Human Arts Sci., 2Dept. Auton. Neurosci., Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Gerontol.
Central regulation mechanisms for brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated activation of the sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow
Takahiro Shimizu, Shogo Shimizu, Youichirou Higashi, Motoaki Saito
Dept. of Pharmacol., Kochi Med. Sch., Kochi Univ.
Exploring novel targets for antidepressant development in terms of mechanisms of actions of existing drugs
Serotonergic activation and antidepressant-like effects
Yu Ohmura
Dept. Neuropharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med., Hokkaido Univ.
Novel mode of antidepressant action based on exercise-induced beneficial effects
Makoto Kondo, Shoichi Shimada
Dept. Neurosci & Cell Biol., Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ.
Role of prefrontal VEGF signaling in the rapid antidepressant actions of ketamine
Satoshi Deyama
Lab. Mol. Pharmacol., Inst. Med., Pharmaceut., Health Sci., Kanazawa Univ.
Looking into glial power in regulation of mood disorders
Yihui Cui
Center for Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Exciting future of pharmacology research created by AI and technological innovation
An exciting future of pharmacology
Mitsuhiro Yoshioka
Dept. Neuropharmacol. Hokkaido Univ.
Pharmacology, drug discovery, and drug treatment: thinking about the present and future of AI
Yuji Ikegaya
Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. Tokyo
Message to women scientists: Success in research comes when you refuse to give up
Sato Honma
Ctr. Res. Educ. Brain Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Systems Biology of Mammalian Sleep/Wake Cycles ~Phosphorylation Hypothesis of Sleep~
Hiroki R. Ueda1,2
1Graduate School of Medicine UTokyo, 2BDR RIKEN