The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society

March 17 (Tue) Poster

Poster Sessions
CNS: Neurotransmitter, Synapse 2
Loss of drebrin from dendritic spines in hippocampal neurons from Alzheimer's disease model mouse
Noriko Koganezawa1, Yuki Kajita2, Hiroyuki Yamazaki1, Takashi Saito3,4, Yuko Sekino5, Takaomi C Saido3, Tomoaki Shirao1
1Dept. Neurobiol. Behav., Gunma Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Physiol., Tohoku Univ. Sch. Med., 3Proteolytic Neurosci., RIKEN CBS, 4Dept. Neurocognitive Sci., Nagoya City Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., 5Endowed Lab. Human Cell-Based Drug Discovery, Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Cocaine-induced conditioned place preference and locomotor response are distinctively regulated by glutamate and dopamine receptor signaling in the prefrontal cortex
Yukie Kawahara1, Yoshinori Ohnishi1, Yoko Ohnishi1, Hiroshi Kawahara2, Akinori Nishi1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Kurume Univ. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Dental Anesthesio., Tsurumi Univ. Sch. Dental Med.
An α2 receptor agonist and antagonist respectively decreases and increases acetylcholine efflux in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats
Yuri Aono, Hiroki Kawashima, Tadashi Saigusa
Dept. Pharmacol. Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent. at Matsudo
Local administration of the orexin receptor antagonist MK-4305, but not orexin-A, into the nucleus accumbens increases accumbal dopamine efflux in freely moving rats
Hiroki Kawashima, Yuri Aono, Tadashi Saigusa
Dept. Pharmacol., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent. at Matsudo
A dendritic spine shrinkage in response to extracellular high K+ is inhibited by Co2+ or Cd2+
Naoko Konishi, Toshinori Sawano, Jin Nakatani, Hidekazu Tanaka
Lab. Pharrm., Grad.sch. Life sci., Ritsumeikan Univ.
Involvement of the cAMP-dependent pathway in the dextromethorphan-induced inhibition of spontaneous glutamate transmission in the nucleus tractus solitarius neurons of guinea pigs
Yoshiaki Ohi, Daisuke Kodama, Akira Haji
Lab. Neuropharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Aichi Gakuin Univ.
M1 muscarine receptors inhibit GABA release from striatal medium spiny neurons onto cholinergic interneurons.
Etsuko Suzuki, Toshihiko Momiyama
Department of pharmacology, Jikei university school of medicine
Poster Sessions
CNS: Glia 1
Serotonergic regulation of the inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) 4.1 channel expression in mice astrocytes.
Saki Shimizu1, Kaoru Furui1, Aya Kato1, Akari Sawashima1, Akio Ikeda2, Yukihiro Ohno1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Osaka Univ. Pharm. Sci., 2Dept. Epilepsy Mov. Dis. Physiol. , Kyoto Univ.
Neuronal hyperexcitability mediated by GqPCR-mediated signaling in astrocytes
Eiji Shigetomi1, Yukiho Hirayama1, Fumikazu Sano1,2, Kenji Tanaka3, Haruhiko Bito4, Schuichi Koizumi1
1Dept. Neuropharmacol. Interdiscipl. Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Yamanashi, 2Dept. Pediatr., Interdiscipl. Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Yamanashi, 3Dept. Neuropsych., Keio Univ. Sch. Med., 4Dept. Neurochem., Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Tokyo
Chemogenetic inhibition of macrophages and microglia exerts anti-allodynic effects on different types of neuropathic pain in male mice
Yuya Ideguchi, Fumihiro Saika, Norikazu Kiguchi, Daichi Kobayashi, Shinsuke Matsuzaki, Shiroh Kishioka
Dept. Pharm., Wakayama Med Univ
Regulation of receptor chaperone molecule RTP4 in microglial cells
Yusuke Kuroiwa1, Mini Yokote1, Masashi Kawanishi1, Hiroshi Ueda2, Wakako Fujita3
1Dept. Pharmacol. Therap. Innov., Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Nagasaki Univ., 2Dept. Mol. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Kyoto Univ., 3Dept. Frontier Life Sci., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci., Nagasaki Univ.
Investigation of a new type of microglia appearing in the ischemic core area
Toshinori Sawano1, Natsumi Yamaguchi1, Yousuke Inoue1, Ryotaro Nishi2, Jin Nakatani1, Shinobu Inagaki3,4, Takayuki Nakagomi5, Tomohiro Matsuyama5, Hidekazu Tanaka1
1Lab. Pharm., Dept. Biomed Sci., Col. Life Sci., Ritsumeikan Univ., 2Lab. Med. Cell Biol., Dept. Biomed Sci., Col. Life Sci., Ritsumeikan Univ., 3United Grad. Sch. Child Develop., Osaka Univ., 4Dept. PT., Yukioka Col. Health Sci., 5Lab. Neurogenesis and CNS Repair., Inst. Adv. Med. Sci., Hyogo Col. Med.
Microglia enhance the functional maturation of blood-brain barrier.
Yukari Shigemoto-Mogami, Kazue Hoshikawa, Kimiko Kitamura, Kaoru Sato
Lab. of Neuropharmacol, Divi. Pharmacol, NIHS
Preparation of peripheral blood-derived microglia-like cells and its intra-hippocampal injection to ameliorate amyloid-β burden and cognitive impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Eriko Kuroda1, Kaneyasu Nishimura2, Yuki Toda1, Susumu Nakata3, Yoshihisa Kitamura4, Eishi Ashihara1, Kazuyuki Takata2
1Dept. Clin. Transl. Physiol., Kyoto Pharm. Univ., 2Div. Integ. Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Pharm. Univ., 3Dept. Clin. Onco,, Kyoto Pharm. Univ., 4Lab. Pharmacol. Neurobiol., Ritsumeikan. Univ.
Loss of P2Y1 receptor causes ocular hypertension and glaucoma-like phenotype in mice
Hamada Kentaro1, Youichi Shinozaki1, Takahiro Segawa2, Kazuhiko Namekata3, Nobuhiko Ohno4,5, Takayuki Harada3, Kenji Kashiwagi6, Schuichi Koizumi1
1Dept. Neuropharmacol., Interdiscip. Grad. Sch. Med. Univ. Yamanashi, 2Cent. Life Sci. Res., Univ. Yamanashi., 3Vis. Res. Project, Tokyo Metr. Inst. Med. Sci., 4Dev. Ultrastruct. Res., Natl. Inst. Physiol. Sci., 5Div.Anatomy,Jichi Med.Univ., 6Dept.Opthalmol.,Interdiscip.Grad.Sch.Med.Univ.Yamanashi
Microglial Cav1.2 Ca2+ channel is involved in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease
Xinshuang Wang, Hironao Saegusa, Soontaraporn Huntula, Tsutomu Tanabe
Dept. Phamacol. Neurobiol., Grad. Sch. Med., Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ. (TMDU)
Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived astrocytes are functional in hiPSC-derived neural networks
Kanako Takahashi1, Kaori Chujyo1, Aoi Odawara2, Ikuro Suzuki2, Kaoru Sato1
1Lab. Neuropharmacol., Div. Pharm., Nat. Inst. Hlth. Sci., 2Dept. Electro., Grad. Sch. Engineering, Tohoku Inst. Tech.,
Poster Sessions
CNS: Pain, Sensary Neuron 2
Neuropathic and inflammatory pain increases glutamatergic excitatory postsynaptic current on adult rat spinal dorsal horn neurons.
Daisuke Uta1,3, Tsugunobu Andoh1, Toshiaki Kume1, Megumu Yoshimura2,3, Kohei Koga3
1Dept. Appl. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med. Pharm. Sci., Univ. Toyama, 2Nogata Nakamura Hospital, 3Dept. Integ. Physiol., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ.
Involvement of spinal cholecystokinin-8 and histamine in diabetic neuropathic pain in mice
Takafumi Hayashi1, Chizuko Watanabe2, Soh Katsuyama3, Tsukasa Sakurada4, Tsuneyoshi Suzuki1, Shinobu Sakurada2
1Lab. Pharmaceu. Sci., Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Tohoku Med. & Pharmaceut. Univ., 2Dept. Physiol. & Anato., Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Tohoku Med. & Pharmaceut. Univ., 3Ctr. Exp. Pharm. Practice, Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Tokyo Univ. Pharmaceut. & Life Sci., 4Ctr. Supporting Pharmaceut. Educ., Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Daiichi Univ. Pharm.
Histamine H3 receptor inverse agonist alleviate mechanical allodynia through the activation of H1R and H2R in periaqueductal gray matter.
Yu Mei1, Takeo Yoshikawa1, Takuro Matsuzawa1, Hidetoshi Tozaki-Saitoh2, Kazuhiko Yanai1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med., Tohoku Univ., 2Dept. Life-Innovation., Grad. Sch. Pharm., Kyushu Univ.
Mirogabalin ameliorates neuropathic pain by activating the descending noradrenergic system involving its binding to the α2δ-1 subunit of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
Misa Oyama, Shun Watanabe, Takashi Iwai, Mitsuo Tanabe
Lab. of Pharmacol., Sch. of Pharmacy, Kitasato Univ.
Continuous morphine infusion induces allodynia through Delta-2 opioid receptors in the spinal cord
Takaaki Komatsu1, Soh Katsuyama2, Tsukasa Sakurada1
1Drug analysis laboratory, Daiichi University of Pharmacy, 2Center for experimental pharmacy, Tokyo university of pharmacy and life science
Partial ligation of the infraorbital nerve-induced cortical hyperexcitation is suppressed by applications of oxytocin and/or low-level laser irradiation
Noma Daichi1,2, Satoshi Fujita1,3, Masayuki Kobayashi1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent., 2Dept. Orthodont., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent., 3Dept. Biol., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent.
The change of functional roles of sulfatide in early and chronic inflammatory pain.
Motoki Morita1,2, Shun Watanabe1,2, Natsumi Nomura1,2, Misa Oyama1,2, Takashi Iwai1,2, Mitsuo Tanabe1,2
1Lab. Pharm., Sch. Pharm., kitasato Univ., 2Medical Reserch Labolatory, Sch. Pharm., Kitasato Univ.
Mechanism of bilateral pain under the inflammatory state
Chizuko Watanabe, Masaru Yoshizumi, Shinobu Sakurada, Hirokazu Mizoguchi
Dept. Physiol. Anat., Tohoku Med. Pharm. Univ
Therapeutic and Preventive Effects of TRK-700 in Rat Models of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN).
Tatsuya Nishi1, Takashi Morimoto1, Kojiro Hara1, Kensuke Saeki2, Chihiro Yoshida1, Tomohiko Suzuki1, Mie Kaino1
1Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories, Toray Industries Inc., 2Hashima Laboratory, Nihon Bioresearch Inc.
Poster Sessions
CNS: Psychology, Behavior 2
Detection of linalool and 2-phenethyl alcohol in mouse brain after intraperitoneal administration of lavender and rose essential oils
Toyoshi Umezu1, Tomoharu Sano2, Junko Hayashi2
1Health Effect Assess. Sect., Cent. Health Environm. Risk Res., Natl. Inst. Environm. Stud., 2Fund. Analytic. Chem. Sect., Cent. Environm. Measure. Anal., Natl. Inst. Environm. Stud.
C3orf70 is associated with neural and neurobehavioral development
Koki Miura1, Yoshifumi Ashikawa1, Takashi Shiromizu1, Yuka Adachi1, Toshio Tanaka2, Yuhei Nishimura1
1Dept. Integrative Pharm., Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Systems Pharm., Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.
The Preclinical Profile of DSR-141562: A Novel Phosphodiesterase 1 Inhibitor for the Treatment of Positive Symptoms, Negative Symptoms and Cognitive Impairments Associated with Schizophrenia.
Takeshi Enomoto, Ayaka Tatara, Masao Goda, Yohei Nishizato, Kantaro Nishigori, Atsushi Kitamura, Mami Kamada, Shiori Taga, Takashi Hashimoto, Kazuhito Ikeda, Yuki Fujii
Research Division, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd.
Repeated restraint stress increases active coping behavior in lactating female mice
Yoshikage Muroi, Ikuko Horie, Toshiaki Ishii
Dept. Vet. Med., Obihiro Univ.
Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus are critical for coping with social stress in lactating female mice
Ayane Nakamura, Yoshikage Muroi, Toshiaki Ishii
vet. pharmacol., Obihiro univ.
Roles of orexin neurons in motivated behaviors in rats
Hiroyuki Mizoguchi1, Ayumu Inutsuka2, Kentaro Katahira3, Kiyofumi Yamada4, Akihiro Yamanaka5
1Res. Ctr. Next-Generation Drug Dev., Res. Inst. Environmental Med., Nagoya Univ. , Nagoya, Japan., 2Dept. Physiol., Jichi Med. Univ., Shimotsuke, Japan., 3Dept Psychol, Grad Sch Inform, Nagoya Univ, Nagoya, Japan, 4Dep. Neuropsychopharmacol. Hosp. Pharm., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. ,Nagoya, Japan., 5Dept. Neuroscience II, Res. Inst. Environmental Med., Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan.
Poster Sessions
CNS: Psychiatric Disoder, Developmental Disoder 1
Alteration of the protein levels and/or posttranslational modification of CRMP 2 (Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 2) in the peripheral blood samples from young schizophrenia patients
Munetaka Nomoto1,2, Naoya Yamashita2,4, Aoi Jitsuki-Takahashi1, Haruko Nakamura1, Hiroko Makihara1,5, Fumio Nakamura6, Snyder Evan Y3, Yoshio Hirayasu2, Yoshio Goshima1
1Depts. Mol Pharmacol & Neurobiol, Yokohama City Univ. Grad Sch. Med., 2Depts.Psychiatry , Yokohama City Univ. Grad Sch. Med., 3Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, 4Juntendo Univ., 5Biological Science and Nursing, Yokohama City Univ. Grad Sch. Med., 6Dept.Bio-Chemi,Tokyo women’s medical univ.
Analysis of changes in the expression of dopamine-related genes in fibromyalgia patient specific-iPS cell derived-dopaminergic neurons
Yukari Suda1, Naoko Kuzumaki1, Reiko Kagawa1, Yuri Ikeda1, Hiroaki Matsumoto1, Michiko Narita2, Takahiro Kato3, Hideyuki Okano4, Minoru Narita1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Hoshi Univ., 2Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo Medical Univ., 3Dept. Neuropsychiatry, Kyushu Univ., 4Dept. Physiol., Keio Univ.
Adolescent social isolation rearing impaired social behavior and synaptic function in basolateral amygdala in mice
Hiroshi Kuniishi1,2, Yuko Nakatake1, Masayuki Sekiguchi2, Mitsuhiko Yamada1
1Dept Neuropsychopharmacology, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, 2Dept Degenerative Neurological Diseases, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
Poster Sessions
CNS: Depression, Anxiety 1
Epigenomic regulation of prefrontal microglia induced by social defeat stress
Masayuki Taniguchi1, Shiho Kitaoka1, Shigehiro Kuraku2, Mitsutaka Kadota2, Tomoyuki Furuayshiki1
1Division of Pharmacology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 2Laboratory for Phyloinformatics, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
Social defeat stress increased interfaces between microglia and neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex of mice
Midori Nagai, Hirotaka Nagai, Tomoyuki Furuyashiki
Division of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University
Glucose infusion ameliorates restraint stress-induced elevation of plasma adrenaline level and impairment of cardiac function in rats
Naoko Yamaguchi1, Yoshihiko Kakinuma2, Kaoru Mimura1, Shoshiro Okada1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Aichi Med. Univ., 2Dept. Physiol., Nippon Med. Sch.
Social defeat stress decreases serotonin reuptake in the prefrontal cortex.
Ryota Araki, Eri Tanaka, Yugo Nagamine, Yuka Tamura, Takeshi Yabe
Lab. Funct. Biomol. Chem. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Setsunan Univ.
The role of AMPK in the hippocampus of the olfactory bulbectomized mice.
Takayo Odaira1, Osamu Nakagawasai1, Wataru Nemoto1, Kohei Takahashi1,2, Wakana Sakuma1, Koichi Tan-No1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Med. Pharm. Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm. Sci., Int. Univ. Health and Welfare.
Anxiolytic behaviors and the disruption of brain redox signaling in chronic kidney disease model mice
Yuki Kurauchi1, Hina Kawamoto1, Hiroshi Watanabe2, Toru Maruyama2, Takahiro Seki1, Hiroshi Katsuki1
1Dept. Chemico-Pharmacol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kumamoto Univ., 2Dept. Biopharmaceutics, Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.
Induction of resilience for depression-like behavior by Shati/Nat8l knockdown in the striatum of mice
Hajime Miyanishi1, Shin-Ichi Muramatsu2,3, Atsumi Nitta1
1Dept. Pharm. Thera and Neuropharm., Fac Pharm. Sci., Grad. Sch. Med. and Pharm. Sci., Toyama Univ., 2Div. Neuro Gene. Thera., Op Innov Cen., Jichi Med Univ., 3Cen. Gene and Cell Thera., Ins. Med. Sci., Tokyo univ.
Intranasal administration of resolvin E1 attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced depression-like behaviors via BDNF/VEGF release and mTORC1 activation in the medial prefrontal cortex
Shun Aoki1, Satoshi Deyama1, Kohei Ishimura2, Hayato Fukuda2,3, Satoshi Shuto2, Masabumi Minami4, Katsuyuki Kaneda1
1Lab. Mol. Pharmacol., Inst. Med., Pharmaceut., Health Sci., Kanazawa Univ., 2Lab. Org. Chem. for Drug Develop., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci, Hokkaido Univ., 3Pharmaceut. Org. Chem. Lab., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci., Nagasaki Univ., 4Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Phamaceut. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Poster Sessions
CNS: Learning, Memory 2
Evaluation of brain functions Using Aged Germ-free Mice
Hiroyuki Kobayashi1, Hiroyasu Murasawa1, Akiko Pawlak1, Kazutaka Katayama2, Daisuke Kishigami2, Yasushi Hirasawa1
1Nihon Bioresearch Inc., 2Oriental BioService Inc.
Differences in learning ability according to individuality and left-right asymmetry of the rat brain hippocampal NR1 receptor
Hirotaka Oikawa1, Shouhei Miyazaki2, Takahiko Fujikawa1,2,3
1Suzuka Univ. Med. Sci., Faculty. Pharm. Sci., 2Suzuka Univ. Med. Sci., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., 3Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.
Aminothioneine activates BDNF expression and enhances learning and memory in mice.
Satoru Mitazaki1, Momoko Fukuda1, Satoshi Matsumoto2, Mamoru Fukuchi1
1Lab. of Mol. Neurosci., Fac. of Pharmacy, Takasaki Univ., 2LS corp.
The effect of anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant extracts on behavioral abnormalities in SAMP8 mice
Minori Shimada1, Hayato Maeda1, Naoki Nanashima2, Kiyofumi Yamada3, Akira Nakajima1
1Dept. Appl. Biol. Food Sci., Fac. Agric. Life Sci., Hirosaki Univ., 2Dept. Biomed. Sci., Grad. Sch. Health Sci., Hirosaki Univ., 3Dept. Neuropsychopharmacol. Hosp. Pharm., Grad. Sch. Med., Nagoya Univ.
Quantification of phosphorylated TrkB in human blood extracellular vesicles and effect of food-derived antioxidant
Ruri Matsumoto1, Takahiro Ishimoto1, Satoshi Matsumoto2, Yusuke Masuo1, Makoto Suzuki2, Yukio Kato1
1Fac. Pharm., Kanazawa Univ., 2L•S Corporation Co. Ltd.
Poster Sessions
CNS: Sleep, Awake
The mechanism of sleep spindles generation: New insights from a computational model and EEG data of the transgenic mice
Yamada Tetsuya
Dept. of Systems Pharmacology, Grad. Sch. of Med., The Univ. of Tokyo
Poster Sessions
CNS: Neurodegenerative 2
Increased GTRAP3-18 expression by miR-96-5p is mediated by a RNA-binding protein
Chisato Kinoshita1, Kazue Kikuchi-Utsumi1, Nobuko Matsumura1, Toshio Nakaki2, Koji Aoyama1
1Dept. Pharm., Grad. Sch. Med., Teikyo Univ., 2Fac. Pharm-Sci., Teikyo Univ.
Galantamine inhibits aggregation of α-synuclein in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
Sora Nozaki, Masanori Hijioka, Masahisa Tsuji, Yoshihisa Kitamura
Lab. Phrmacology and Neurobioligy, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
Motor dysfunction is triggered by miRNA-mediated knockdown of LAMP2A in mouse cerebellar neurons
Masahiro Sato1, Tomoko Ohta1, Takahiro Seki1, Ayumu Konno2, Hirokazu Hirai2, Yuki Kurauchi1, Hiroshi Katsuki1
1Dept. Chemico-Pharmacol. Sci., Grad Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kumamoto Univ., 2Dept. Neurophysiol. Neural repair., Gunma Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.
Midnolin is a strong genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease in Japanese and British populations.
Yutaro Obara1, Hidenori Sato2, Takahiro Nakayama3, Takeo Kato4, Kuniaki Ishii1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Med., Yamagata Univ., 2Genome Info. Unit, Inst. Promotion Med. Sci. Res., Yamagata Univ., 3Res. Inst. Bio-sys. Info., Tohoku Chem. Co., LTD., 4Yamagata City Ins. Pub Health
Analysis of astrocyte and microglia in Alzheimer's disease model mouse with higher uric acid level
Naoko H. Tomioka, Makoto Hosoyamada
Dept. Human Physiol. Phathol., Fac. Pharma-Sci., Teikyo Univ.
β3-adrenoceptor agonist protects dopaminergic neurons in the 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson's disease.
Yasuhiro Yoshioka, Kensuke Asakai, Kento Isshiki, Kiyono Motoyama, Akiko Yamamuro, Yuki Ishimaru, Sadaaki Maeda
Lab. Pharmacotherap., Faculty Pharmaceut. Sci., Setsunan Univ.
Derivatives of calmodulin-like skin protein, named CLSP(1-61) and CLSPCOL, as anti-Alzheimer disease agents
Yuichi Hashimoto, Masaaki Matsuoka
Dept. Pharmacol. Tokyo Med. Univ.
Effects of AGEs on the rat neuronal cells in the intrauterine hyperglycaemic environment.
Akio Nakamura1, Haruka Okami2, Manami Shimizu3, Satomi Ooi1, Yayoi Tokunaga1, Yo Sasaki4, Ritsuko Kawaharada3
1Department of Food and Health Sciences, Jissen Women’s University, Hino, Japan., 2Department of nutrition, Tunoda Hospital, Japan, 3Department of Health and Nutrition, Takasaki University of Health and Welfare, Takasaki, Japan, 4Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine , St. Louis, Missouri 63110, U.S.A.
Induction of reactive oxygen species by activation of the EP2 receptor contributes to prostaglandin E2-induced cytotoxicity in motor neuron-like NSC-34 cells
Hiroshi Nango, Yasuhiro Kosuge, Hiroko Miyagishi, Yoshihisa Ito, Kumiko Ishige
Lab. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Nihon univ.
Novel protein targets for 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 were identified in neuronal plasma membranes
Tatsurou Yagami, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Hiromi Koma
Dept. Pharmaceutic. Health Care, Himeji Dokkyo Univ.
A neuroprotective role of aquaporin-4 against other than amyloid β deposition or neuroinflammation in the 5xFAD transgenic mice model.
Yoichiro Abe1, Natsumi Ikegawa2, Minetaka Murakami2, Takumi Tanaka2, Takako Niikura2, Kyosuke Muramatsu3, Kaoru Yamada3, Tadafumo Hashimoto3, Motohito Goto4, Taichi Yamamoto4, Kenji Kawai4, Wakami Goda1, Keitaro Yoshida5, Satoko Hattori6, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa6, Kenji Tanaka5, Masaru Mimura5, Takeshi Iwatsubo3, Jun-Ichi Hata4, Masato Yasui1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Keio Univ. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Information and Communication Sci., Sophia Univ., 3Dept. Neuropathol., Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. of Tokyo, 4CIEA, 5Dept. Neuropsychiatry, Keio. Univ. Sch. Med., 6Div. Syst. Med.; Sci., Inst. Comp. Med. Sci., Fujita Health Univ,
Discovery and evaluation of a novel tau PET tracer [18F]THK-5562 for Alzheimer's disease
Yiqing Du1, Ryuichi Harada1,2, Pradith Lerdsirisuk3, Michinori Ezura4, Yuki Shimizu3, Takahiro Morito1, Hiroyuki Arai2, Yukitsuka Kudo2, Shozo Furumoto3, Kazuhiko Yanai1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med., Tohoku Univ., 2Dept. Geriatrics and Gerontology, Div. Brain Science, Inst. Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku Univ., 3Cyclotron and Radioisotope Ctr., Tohoku Univ., 4Dept. Neurology, Grad. Sch. Med., Tohoku Univ., 5Div. Pharmacol., Fac. Med., Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical Univ.
Poster Sessions
Kidney, Urination 1
Brain nitric oxide can induce frequent urination via brain glutamatergic receptors in rats
Hideaki Ono1,2, Takahiro Shimizu1, Suo Zou1, Masaki Yamamoto1, Yohei Shimizu1,2, Yurika Hata1,2, Shogo Shimizu1, Youichirou Higashi1, Takaaki Aratake1,3, Tomoya Hamada1, Yoshiki Nagao1, Motoaki Saito1
1Dept. of Pharmacol., Kochi Med. Sch., Kochi Univ., 2Center for Innovative and Translational Medicine, Kochi University, 3Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Roles of brain hydrogen sulfide in micturition of rats
Yamamoto Masaki1,2, Takahiro Shimizu1, Sou Zou1, Hideaki Ono1,3, Yohei Shimizu1,3, Yurika Hata1,3, Shogo Shimizu1, Youichirou Higashi1, Takaaki Aratake1,4, Tomoya Hamada1,2, Yoshiki Nagao1,2, Rina Nakamura1, Toshihumi Akizawa1, Mikiya Fujieda2, Motoaki Saito1
1Dept. of Pharmacol., Kochi Med. Sch., Kochi Univ, 2Dept. of Pediatr., Kochi Med. Sch., Kochi Univ., 3Center for Innovative and Translational Medicine, Kochi Univ., 4JSPS Research Fellow
Effects of acute arginine treatment on vascular endothelial dysfunction associated with ischemic acute kidney injury.
Keisuke Nakagawa1, Ayaka Shimomura1, Atsuhiko Yamamoto1, Shuhei Kobuchi2, Mamoru Ohkita1, Yasuo Matsumura1
1Lab. Pathol. Mol. Pharmacol., Osaka Univ. Pharmaceut. Sci., 2Dept. Pharm., Pharmacol., Hyogo Univ. Health Sci.
Yohimbine ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute kidney injury in rats
Takaomi Shimokawa1,2, Masayo Yamagata1, Kohei Hayashi1, Shuhei Tomita2, Kozo Yoneda1
1Lab. Clin. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm., Osaka Ohtani Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Med., Osaka City Univ.
Effects of prednisolone on adriamycin-induced nephropathy in rats
Takumi Yamazawa, Cheng Jun Ma, Kikuyo Nakaoka, Masakazu Imaizumi, Kousuke Morizumi, Seiichi Katayama, Naoyuki Hironaka, Katsuhide Nishi
Pharm. Dept., LSI Medience Corp.
Altered gene expression of lysophosphatidic acid receptor subtypes in ischemia/reperfusion-induced renal interstitial fibrosis in mice
Yasuhiro Takenouchi, Keisuke Kitakaze, Kazuhito Tsuboi, Yasuo Okamoto
Dept. Pharmacol., Kawasaki Med. Sch.
Age-related differences in responses to hydrogen sulfide in the bladder of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Suo Zou1, Takahiro Shimizu1, Shogo Shimizu1, Hideaki Ono1,2, Yohei Shimizu1,2, Yurika Hata1,2, Masaki Yamamoto1, Takaaki Aratake1,3, Yoshiki Nagao1, Tomoya Hamada1, Youichirou Higashi1, Motoaki Saito1
1Dept. of Pharmacol., Kochi Med. Sci., Kochi Univ., 2Cent. for Innovative and Translational Med., Kochi Univ., 3Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Different protective effect of N-acetyl cysteine and tempol on mouse renal interstitial fibrosis
Sakai Mayu, Iori Tani, Iori Soma, Kazuma Komine, Shigeyoshi Honma, Makoto Yoshida
Dept. Pathophysiol., Fac. Pharmacy, Takasaki University of Health and welfare
Poster Sessions
Cardiovascular: Hear function, Heart failure 2
Phospholamban is downregulated by parkin-mediated degradation in failing heart 
Shunichi Yokoe, Michio Asahi
Dept. of Pharm., Osaka. Med. Col
Changes in HSPA9 in the failing heart following myocardial infarction
Emi Yano, Tetsuro Marunouchi, Satoko Suzuki, Chiharu Suzuki, Kouichi Tanonaka
Dept. Mol. Cell. Pharmacol., Tokyo Univ. Pharm, Life Sci.
Sexual differences on effects of voluntary exercise on heart failure in DCM model mice.
Masami Sugihara1, Ryo Kakigi3, Takashi Murayama2, Takashi Miida1, Takashi Sakurai2, Sachio Morimoto4, Nagomi Kurebayashi2
1Dept. Clin Lab Med., Juntendo Univ Sch. Med, 2Dept.Pharmacol.,Juntendo Univ Sch .Med, 3Fac. Mgmt. & Info. Sci., Josai Int. Univ., 4Dept. of Health Sci. at Fukuoka, IUHW
Comparison of transplantation effects of cardiac progenitor cell types on the mitochondrial energy-producing ability after myocardial infarction in rats
Yuiki Saotome, Tetsuro Marunouchi, Emi Yano, Kouichi Tanonaka
Dept. Mol. Cell. Pharmacol., Tokyo Univ. Pharm, Life Sci.
Effect of Bcl-2 associated athanogene (BAG) 3 on cardiac disease in alpha-B crystallin R120G transgenic mouse
Atsushi Sanbe, Mika Ojima, Rieko Higashio, Masamichi Hirose
Dept. pharmacol., Sch. Pharm. Iwate Med. Univ.
Poster Sessions
Cardiovascular: Others
Acute intracerebroventricular injection of chemerin-9 increases systemic blood pressure via CMKLR1 in rats
Yamamoto Atsunori1, Kengo Matsumoto1, Satoshi Kameshima2, Naoko Yamaguchi3, Syousirou Okada3, Muneyoshi Okada1, Hideyuki Yamawaki1
1Lab. Vet Pharmacol., Sch., Vet. Med., Kitasato Univ., 2Lab. Small Animal Internal Med., Sch., Vet. Med., Kitasato Univ., 3Dept. Pharmacol., Sch Med., Aichi Med. Univ.
The inhibitory effect of Orengedokuto on human aortic valve calcification
Xu Liu1, Zaiqiang Yu1, Wei Yang1, Kazuyuki Daitoku1, Shigeru Motomura3, Tadaatu Imaizumi2, Ikuo Fukuda1, Ken-Ichi Furukawa3, Kazuhiko Seya2
1Dept. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 2Dept. Vascul. Biol., 3Dept. Pharmacol.
Moxifloxacin elevates the risk of aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection by increasing osteopontin protein expressions in macrophages
Koshun Inada, Mitsuhisa Koga, Yasufumi Kataoka, Atsushi Yamauchi
Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci.
Poster Sessions
Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology
An APJ agonist suppresses the loss of retinal neuronal cells in diabetes model mouse fed a high-fat diet
Fumiya Shibagaki, Yuki Ishimaru, Kiichi Akai, Kana Tokuda, Akiko Yamamuro, Yasuhiro Yoshioka, Sadaaki Maeda
Lab. Pharmacotherap., Faculty Pharmaceut. Sci., Setsunan Univ.
Characterization of lacrimal gland in male NOD mice associated with tear hyposecretion.
Yuta Ohno, Keitaro Satoh, Masanori Kashimata
Dept. Pharmacol., Asahi Univ. Sch. Dent.
Protective effect of endogenous apelin against age-related loss of retinal ganglion cells in mice
Yuki Ishimaru1, Akihide Sumino1,2, Fumiya Shibagaki1, Hikari Chitose1, Reina Miura1, Akinori Tanimura1, Akiko Yamamuro1, Yasuhiro Yoshioka1, Sadaaki Maeda1
1Lab. Pharmacotherap., Faculty Pharmaceut. Sci., Setsunan Univ., 2Lab. Food Chem., Yokohama Univ. Pharm.
Effect of Piezo 1, a mechanoreceptor, on intraocular pressure and trabecular meshwork
Wataru Morozumi, Satoshi Inagaki, Yuki Iwata, Shinsuke Nakamura, Masamitsu Shimazawa, Hideaki Hara
Mol. Pharmacol., Dept. Biofunct. Eval., Gifu Pharmaceut. Univ.
A preventive role of autophagy in the cochlea to noise-exposure
Masanori Yoneyama, Taro Yamaguchi, Yusuke Onaka, Kiyokazu Ogita
Lab. Pharmacol., Facul. Pharmaceu. Sci., Setsunan Uni.
Elucidation of ROS effects on auditory transmission impairment
Lin Chen, Hiroaki Mouri, Naoaki Saito, Takehiko Ueyama
Biosignal Research Center., Kobe Univ
Poster Sessions
Immunity, Inflammation, Allergy 2
Effect of Compound48/80 on antigen dependent degranulation in BMMC
Kazuki Yoshida, Tetsurou Takao, Masaaki Ito, Isao Matsuoka
Lab. Pharmacol., Fact. Pharm, Takasaki Univ. Health and Welfare
Tofacitinib, an oral janus kinase inhibitor, induces CD86MHC IImacrophages
Natsumi Mizuno, Tomoko Endo, Yoshiki Yanagawa
Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm., Health Sci. Univ. Hokkaido
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent regulation of Rac1 and Rac2 GTPases in histamine-induced chemotaxis of mouse mast cells
Nishio Yusuke, Inui Makoto, Kuramasu Atsuo
Dept. Pharmacology, Yamaguchi Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.
Effects of lotus extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatic inflammation
Megumi Furukawa1, Nobuo Izumo2, Kazuya Watanabe2, Maho Yonezawa2, Yasuo Watanabe2
1Ctr. Pharm. Educ. Yokohama Univ. Pharm., 2Genar. Health Med. Ctr. Yokohama Univ. Pharm.
Influence of cyclophosphamide on L-Asparaginase-induced allergy in animal model
Ai Nogami-Hara1, Yuta Hori1, Chie Mitsuhata1, Koji Kajiyama1, Kentaro Susuki1, Akira Shimada2, Mitsunobu Mio1
1Lab. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Shujitsu Univ., 2Dept. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol., Okayama Univ.
Protective effects of anti-oxidative stress antibody on mice after lipopolysaccharides injection
Handong Qiao1, Shangze Gao1, Hidenori Wake1, Keyue Liu1, Kiyoshi Teshigawara1, Shuji Mori2, Masahiro Nishibori1
1Okayama University, 2Shujitsu University
Poster Sessions
Tumor, Chemical Treatment, Antibody Medicine 1
Anti-tumor activity and adverse effects of a novel compound with high specificity to tetraplex DNA
Hikaru Fukuda1,3, Shinobu Satou2, Sen Higashi1, Manabu Habu3, Tomoko Osumi1, Masaaki Sasaguri3, Kazuhiro Tominaga3, Shigeori Takenaka2, Hiroshi Takeuchi1
1Div. Appl. Pharmacol., Kyushu Dent. Univ., 2Dept. Appl. Chem., Res. Ctr. Bio-microsens. Tech., Kyushu Inst. Tech., 3Div. Maxillofacial Surg., Kyushu Dent. Univ.
Simultaneous hyperthermia-chemotherapy effect by arterial injection of Fe(Salen) for femur tumor
Rafikul Islam1, Masanari Umemura1, Rina Nakakaji1,2, Kohei Osawa1,2, Ryo Tanaka1, Yoshihiro Ishikawa1
1Cardiovascular Research Institute, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, 2Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine
Relationship between autophagy and apoptosis of menthol-induced cytotoxicity in lung cancer cell line, A549
Kenji Takahashi, Toshio Ohta
Lab. Vet. Pharm., Joint Dep. Vet. Med., Tottori Univ.
BET inhibitor suppresses neutrophil-dependent lung metastasis of inflammatory renal cancer cells
Ehata Shogo1, Jun Nishida1, Daizo Koinuma1, Kohei Miyaono1
1The. Univ. Tokyo, Grad. Sch. Med., Dept. Mol. Pathol., 2The. Univ. Tokyo, Environ. Sci. Ctr.
Cytocidal effects of active bufadienolide compounds against human glioblastoma cell line U-87
Bo Yuan1, Lingyu Han2, Hideki Hayashi3, Baolin Bian2, Norio Takagi3, Mari Okazai1
1Lab. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm. Sci., Josai Univ., 2China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, 3Dep. Applied Biochem., Tokyo Univ of Pharm & Life Sci.
Evaluation of cytotoxicity of bispecific antibody against mesothelioma
Yuki Kanamori1,2, Yasuhiro Moriwaki1, Shinako Takimoto2, Hidemi Misawa1, Kohzoh Imai2, Shoutaro Tsuji2
1Div Pharmacol, Dept Pharm, Keio Univ, 2Res Inst, Kanagawa Cancer Ctr
Elucidation of mechanism of growth inhibition of human colorectal stem cell by dietary polyphenol antioxidant.
Kimika Hayashi1, Mohamed Elbadawy1, Yuta Goto1, Megumi Yamanaka1, Yuta Shinohara1,2, Syoichi Hazama3,4, Hiroko Takenouchi4, Masao Nakashima4, Ryouichi Tsunedomi4, Nobuaki Suzuki4, Hiroaki Nagano4, Makoto Shibutani5, Tomohiro Nakano6, Mihoko Koyanagi6, Shinmo Hayashi6, Masahiro Kaneda7, Tatsuya Usui1, Kazuaki Sasaki1
1Lab. of Vet Pharm., Dept. of Vet Med., Fac. of Agri., Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., 2Pet Health & Food Division, Isukura Industry CO., LTD, 3Dept. of Gastro., Breast and Endo. Surg., Yamaguchi Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., 4Dept. of Trans Res. and Dev. Therap. aga Can.,Yamaguchi Univ. Sch. of Med., 5Lab. of Vet Path., Dept. of Vet Med., Fac. of Agri., Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., 6San-ei-gen F-F-I CO., LTD, 7Lab. of Vet. Ana., Dept. of Vet Med., Fac. of Agri., Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.
Gold Nanoparticles inhibits cytokine release and alleviates sepsis through of MAPK and NFκB activation
Ching-Hu Chung
Mackay Medical College
Histamine receptor antagonists inhibited proton regulators in oral cancer cell lines Introduction
Masahito Ogasawara1, Masashi Kon1,2, Hiroyuki Yamada2, Haruki Tamura1, Arisa Yamada1
1Div. of Bioregulatory Pharm.,Dept. of Pharm., Iwate Med Univ., 2Dept. Oral Surg. Sch. of Dent., Iwate Med Univ.
Poster Sessions
Receptor, Channel, Transporter 1
Functional regulation of serotonin transporter by SNARE protein Syntaxin 3
Motoike Serika1,2, Kei Taguchi1, Tomoaki Urabe1,3, Kana Harada1, Izumi Hide1, Shigeru Tanaka1, Masahiro Irifune2, Norio Sakai1
1Dept. Mol. Pharmacol. Neurosci., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 2Dept. Dental Anesthesiology, Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 3Dept. Anesthesiology Critical Care, Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ.
Analysis of oxytocin as a positive allosteric modulator(PAM)of the opioid δ- and κ-receptors.
Yuki Yoshida1, Hideki Takahashi2,3, Haruka Ono2,3, Yoshiyuki Meguro2,4, Miyano Kanako2, Miki Nonaka2, Shigeto Hirayama2,3, Takaaki Mizuguchi3, Masaki Kobayashi1, Ryoma Tagawa1, Hideaki Fuji3, Yoshikazu Higami1, Yasuhito Uezono2,5,6
1Lab. Mol. Patho & Metab., Grad. Pharmaceu., Tokyo Univ Sci., 2Div. Cancer Pathophysiol., NCCRI., 3Lab. Med. Chem., Kitasato Univ. Sch. Pharmacy., 4Dept. Surg., Jichi Med. Univ., Sch. Med., 5Div. Suppo. Care Res., EPOC, NCC., 6Cent. Suppo. Care., NCCH.
Binding profiles of antipsychotics to mouse cerebral cortical muscarinic receptors using [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine ([3H]NMS)
Keisuke Obara, Saki Horiguchi, Toma Shimada, Takumi Ikarashi, Kento Yoshioka, Fumiko Yamaki, Yoshio Tanaka
Dept. Chem. Pharmacol., Toho Univ. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci.
Molecular analysis of TRPA1 activation by JT010 in human, mouse, and chicken
Masaki Matsubara, Noriyuki Hatano, Hiroka Suzuki, Yukiko Muraki, Katsuhiko Muraki
Lab. Cellular Pharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Aichi-gakuin Univ.
Aggravation of adriamycin-induced nephropathy in SLC41A2 knockout mice
Takayuki Nemoto1, Hideaki Tagashira1, Tomo Kita1, Satomi Kita2, Takahiro Iwamoto1
1Dept. Pharmacol., Facl. Med., Fukuoka Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Facl. Pharmace. Sci., Tokushima Bunri Univ.
Mutational study of receptor-activated cation channels (TRPC6) and a possible linkage to pulmonary hypertension
Ryo Okada1, Onur K. Polat2, Ryosuke Matsuzaki1, Masayuki X. Mori1,2
1Dept. Chem., Sch. Med., UOEH, 2Dept. Synth. Chem. Biol. Chem., Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.
Molecular function analysis on the role of TRPV6 in the onset of digestive system disease
Kotani Hiroshi1, Shin Hamada2, Tatsuya Hirano1, Tetsuya Kawamoto1, Reiko Sakaguchi1, Masayuki Mori1, Yasuo Mori1, Atsushi Masamune2
1Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ., 2Division of Gastroenterology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Down-regulation of KCa3.1 contribute to the antiproliferative effect of vitamin D receptor agonists in mouse preosteoblasts
Hiroaki Kito, Susumu Ohya
Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Nagoya City Univ.
Role of a magnesium ion-permeable cation channel TRPM7 in skeletal muscle regeneration
Takeuchi Mari1, Kotaro Hirano1, Yuji Hara1,2, Yasuo Mori1, Masato Umeda1
1Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2AMED, PRIME
Hypoxia increases K2P5.1 K+ channel expression in CD4+ T cells of the mouse IBD model
Kyoko Endo1, Hiroaki Kito2, Ryo Tanaka1, Junko Kajikuri2, Satoshi Tanaka1, Takayoshi Suzuki3, Susumu Ohya2
1Dept.Pharmacol., Div. Pathol. Sci., Kyoto Pharmaceut. Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Nagoya City Univ., 3Dept. Compl. Mol. Chem., Inst. Sci. Indust. Res., Osaka Univ.
BK channel is functionally expressed in neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor QGP-1 cells.
Sayuri Noda, Yoshiaki Suzuki, Yuji Imaizumi, Hisao Yamamura
Dept. Mol. & Cell. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Nagoya City Univ.
Poster Sessions
Interleukin-4 may suppress expression of E-type prostanoid receptor4 in human colorectal cancer HCA-7 cells.
Kana Kitagawa1, Ayaka Hamaguchi1, Masato Mashimo2, John W. Regan3, Keijo Fukushima1, Hiromichi Fujino1
1Dept. Pharmacol. Life Sci. Gard. Sch. Pharm. Sci. Tokushima Univ., 2Lab.Pharmacol. Facult. Pharm. Sci. Doshisha Women's Col. Liberal Arts, 3Dept. Pharm/Tox.,Col. Pharm., Univ.of Arizona
Involvement of Fibulin-4 in activation mechanism of lysyl oxidase
Kaori Kitagawa, Tomoyuki Nakamura
Dept. Pharmacol., Kansai Med. Univ.
Physiological role of Addicsin-Arl6ip1 complex in oxidative stress control
Misushi J Ikemoto1,2
1Biomed. Res. Inst, AIST, 2Grad. Sch. of Sci. Toho Univ.
Application of hepatitis B virus-like particles to drug delivery vehicle.
Chiho Sakai1, Hirohumi Ookawa1, Kouhei Hosokawa1, Tadashi Watanabe1, Keiji Ueda2, Masahiro Fujimuro1
1Dept. of Cellbiology, Kyoto Pharm. Univ, 2Dept. of Virology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
The glycan binding region of PTPδ is involved in Sema3A signaling by reinforcing the binding with NRP1
Kohtaro Takizawa, Fumio Nakamura
Dept. Biochem., Sch. of. Med., Tokyo Women's Med Univ.
Sir2B regulates cell-cell adhesion
Hideo Taniura, Shuhei Soeda, Aya Igeta, Rio Kawamoto, Futa Shimizu, Yoshiaki Nakagawara, Daisuke Fukuoka, Shusei Tojo, Yuka Tokumura, Ai Fujii, Yui Sano, Minori Nakamura
Lab. Neurochem., Dept. Pharmacy, Ritsumeikan Univ.
Poster Sessions
Genome, Transcription Control
Long interspersed element-1 retrotransposition induced by valproic acid depends on NR2A
Noriyuki Okudaira
Div. Pharm., Meikai Univ.
Characterization of the human E2F4 promoter region and its response to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate
Masashi Asai1,2, Hiroshi Hamada1, Naoya Osamura1, Yoriko Kirinoki1, Fumiaki Uchiumi1
1Dept. of Gene Regulation, Fac. of Pharm. Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2Ctr. for Pharm. Educ., Fac. of Pharm. Sci., Yokohama Univ. of Pharm.
Poster Sessions
Pharmacophore, Chemical Biology
molecular dynamics simulation of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19
Masanori Ootaki1, Yuki Ohta1, Minoru Watanabe1,2, Tsukasa Kobayashi1, Yuki Nakamura1, Daiki Watanabe1, Keisuke Kida1, Yuko Takeba1, Taroh Iiri1, Naoki Matsumoto1
1Dept. Pharm., St. Marianna Univ. Sch. Med., 2Inst. Anim. Exp., St. Marianna Univ. Grad. Sch. Medi.
Poster Sessions
Drug Metabolism, SNPs
Expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in human keratinocytes of Japanese
Hiroko Makihara1,2, Kazusa Kaiga1, Maho Asao2, Tomoko Akase1,2
1Grad. Sch.Med., Dept. Nurs., Yokohama City Univ., 2Sch.Med., Nurs.Crs., Biol. Sci. Nurs., Yokohama City Univ.
Poster Sessions
Herbal Medicine, Natural Products
Fermented ginseng suppresses AITC-induced nocifensive behavior
Kanda Hirosato1,2, Yoko Kogure1, Shiori Ogawa1, Syuji Shimono1, Hisatomi Ito3, Toshitsugu Miyazaki3, Kentaro Igami3, Satoshi Yamamoto1, Yi Dai1,2
1Dept of Pharmacol, Hyogo Univ. of Hlth. Sci., 2Chinese Med. Confucius Inst at Hyogo Col. of Med., 3Production Development Division., Nagase Beauty Care & CO., Ltd.
Effect of Choreito, a traditional Kampo medicine, on detrusor smooth muscle function and bladder blood flow in a rat model of pelvic congestion with frequent urination
Katsuhiko Noguchi1, Kimio Sugaya1, Saori Nishijima1, Katsumi Kadekawa1, Shiho Okitsu2, Mayuko Sakanashi3, Hideyuki Yamamoto2, Youhei Tokita4
1Southern Knights’ Laboratory Co., Ltd., 2Dept. Biochemistry, Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. the Ryukyus, 3Dept. Pharmacy, Col. Pharmacy, Kinjo Gakuin University, 4Tsumura & Co.
Rhynchophylline attenuates allergic bronchial asthma by inhibiting TGF-1-induced Smad and MAPK signaling transductions in vivo and in vitro
Meng Wang1,2, Qianyu Bi1, Xuming Ji3
1College of traditional Chinese Medicine,Shandong University of traditional Chinese Medicine, 2Medical Department ,Jining No. 1 People's Hospital, 3School of Basic Medical Science, Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ameliorating effect of Maoto on the production of inflammatory cytokines induced by polyI:C stimulation
Keisuke Ogura, Akinori Nishi, Akiko Nakayama, Hitomi Kanno, Yoshio Tahara, Atsushi Kaneko
Tsumura Kampo Research Laboratories, Tsumura and Co., Ibaraki, Japan
Study of Anti-proliferative Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Crude Drug Extract on Dog Bladder Cancer Stem Cells
Yuta Shinohara1,2, Elbadawy Mohamed1,3, Megumi Yamanaka1, Yuta Goto1, Kimika Hayashi1, Abugomaa Amira1, Tatsuya Usui1, Kazuaki Sasaki1
1Dept. Vet Med., Fac. agr., Tokyo Univ of Agr and Tech., 2Division. Pet Health and Food., Iskara Industry CO., LTD., 3Dept. Pharm., Fac. Vet med., Benha Univ.
The active ingredient from processed aconitine root as Nav1.7 voltage-gated sodium channels blocker
Yoshihiko Nakatani1,2, Junya Yamaguchi2, Yasuyuki Yokoyama2, Arata Uehara2, Maki Katasho2, Yasuji Saito2, Toshiaki Makino3, Taku Amano2
1Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, International University of Health and Welfare, 2Department of Pharmacotherapeutics, School of Pharmacy, International University of Health and Welfare, 3Department of Pharmacognosy, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
Herbal drug TRP channel screening
Sho Sanechika, Katsuya Ohbuchi, Chika Shimobori, Atsushi Kaneko, Masahiro Yamamoto
TSUMURA Kampo Research Laboratories Kampo Research & Development Division
Poster Sessions
The Na/Ca exchange was affected by KB-R7943, nicorandil and monensin in breast cancer cells
Natsuko Matsushita1, Maki Kuraji1, Akari Ookubo1, Yuki Takatori1, Ayaha Maeda1, Yuki Kimura1, Yoshiko Shimizu1, Rei Takahashi2, Katsuharu Tsuchida1
1Doshisha.Woman's.Col.,Fac.Pharm.Sci., 2Doshisha.Woman's.Col.,Fac.Pharm.Sci.
Relationship between the tendency of various addiction and the psychological characteristic in undergraduate students
Ken-Ichi Tanaka, Michiko Konno
Saitama Pref. Univ. Grad. Sch. Heal. & Soci. Seav.