Among the fields of medical treatment, pharmacological therapy is most the therapy that nurses is most concerned in. In the basic education of nursing care, we learn pharmacological efficacy and adverse effects, methods of administrations, and management methods of pricinpal medical drugs in the clinical pharmacology. As pharmacology for nursing care, we lean comprehensive understanding of diseases, life style, and psychological situations. In addition, actual nursing education under clinical scenes, we have to learn knowledge and skill of performing safety pharmacological treatment of patients. In the clinical scenes, nurses are often the final performer of drug administration to patients.
This means that the nurses, performing drug administration according to the indication of doctors, hold responsibility as performer in common: and that they are required to have high level of expert knowledge and judgement ability, Improving those ability leads to secure quality of pharmacological treatment,
Espescially in the clinical scenes of a highly acute phase, nurses are concerned in pharmacological treatment of patients in connection with performing the administration of anti-cancer drugs having serious side effects and drugs of a high level of clinical research. The quarantee of the nursing quality in the pharmacological treatment is important.
In our hospital, we perform an interchange of personnel from clinical fields to a faculty, as link in the chain of activity of nursing career, which nursing association, is managing in co-operation with health faculty.
In this symposium, I am going to introduce the efficacy of an interchange of personnel in our hospital and clinical scenes regarding to pharmacological treatment, as issuers to be required for the education of pharmacology for nursing care form the clinical scenes, from the standpoint of the thema:”Issusses required to the clinical nursing scenes promoting human and practical pharmacological education.”