Japanese pharmacy education has shifted to six-year program since 2006, and the curriculum focuses more on clinical pharmacy education. Pharmacy educational curriculum in the U.S. established useful tools and programs which are helpful for the Japanese six-year pharmacy education program.
I studied abroad to obtain Pharm.D. degree and to learn the advanced pharmacy education and practice in the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. Then, I completed a two-year post-graduate training (1st year training was for general pharmacy practice and 2nd year was for cardiology specialized training) in the University of Kentucky Hospital to become a clinical pharmacist in the U.S. I currently work as a clinical faculty who gets involved in four main areas: clinical service, general service, education, and research in the West Virginia University School of Pharmacy.
During my presentation, I will introduce my career pathway as a clinical pharmacist/clinical faculty in the U.S. Then, I will discuss strategies and methods to become a clinical pharmacist in the U.S. Third, I will also highlight the key differences in pharmacy practice and education between the U.S. and Japan. I hope to share some insights and useful information for students/learners who want to become clinical pharmacists in the U.S. and/or to learn advanced pharmacy education and practice in the U.S.