I received PhD at Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Kyushu University in the area of Ca2+ signaling in vascular biology. To further develop my research, I applied a post-doc position in the lab which was world famous for Angiotensin II receptor signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in USA. During post-doctoral fellow, I demonstrated “for the first time” that reactive oxygen species (ROS) function as second messengers to mediate G protein-coupled receptor signaling in VSMCs. This paper and several related publications helped me to develop my career in the field of ROS (redox) signaling in endothelial cell biology and angiogenesis, a process of new vessel formation. To become independent from the mentor was the most difficult when we need the help from mentor and department head to develop own research projects for applying own federal grants. At this stage, we should be independent from mentor regarding having new own ideas and writing grants and papers. After several failure, I obtained my own NIH R01 grant which gave me the opportunity to apply faculty position in USA. I received several offers and choose the institution which had many excellent faculties with NIH grants. Moving to different institution was important, because I could learn new research area and made new collaborators. Once we get NIH R01 grant, we just need to continue obtaining many grants with new and innovative research idea by finding new collaborators in the same and different institutions, which will lead to becoming successful independent investigator in USA.