Glutamatergic synapses play central roles in almost all of neuronal functions such as learning, motor and sensory functions. Among glutamate receptors, AMPARs are the "actual mediator" at glutamatergic synapses. Despite the accumulation of knowledge of physiological roles of AMPARs, its clinical translation is limited. Main reason for this is that we are not currently able to visualize AMPARs in living human brain. We developed novel PET probe for AMPARs, named [11C]K-2. We detected [11C]K-2 signals reflecting specific binding to AMPARs in rat, non-human primate and human. We detected significant positive correlation between [11C]K-2-signals and protein amount of AMPARs with surgically removed tissue from epileptic patients. Thus, our PET probe for AMPARs specifically detects AMPARs and the first PET probe to visualize AMPAR in living human brain. We are currently imaging patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. Further, we have recently identified CRMP2-binding compound, edonerpic maleate, facilitates synaptic AMPAR delivery and results in the acceleration of motor function recovery after brain damage in rodent and non-human primate.

 現在の精神神経疾患の診断治療は基礎研究の根拠に乏しい。本講演ではAMPA受容体を認識するPET Probeの開発について当教室の最新の知見を紹介する。AMPA受容体をヒトで可視化するPET Probeは未だ存在しない。この技術を用いて、「シナプス機能分子による精神神経疾患の再分類」が可能になり、今後の「基礎研究の根拠」に基づいた新規診断が可能になる。

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