In 2019, the number of nursing universities increased to 272 schools in Japan. One out of three universities have a nursing school, and nursing universities continue to increase.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology introduced the "Model Core Curriculum for Nursing Science Education in Japan" (MCCNSE) in 2017. MCCNSE aims at the acquirement of necessary and indispensable nursing competencies in the undergraduate course, which enumerates learning targets to be useful for making the curriculum.
MCCNSE has 7 areas to develop qualities and abilities of a nurse for a lifetime. A is basic qualities/abilities required of nursing professional. B is society and nursing science. C is basic knowledge necessary for understanding objects of nursing, includes pharmacological science. D is basic knowledge of specialty underlying nursing practice. E is basic knowledge necessary for nursing practice in various settings. F is clinical and regional training practice, and G is research of nursing science.
Nursing universities are required to comply with both the School Education Act and the Act on Public Health Nurses, Midwives, and Nurses. Nursing universities are expected to formulate the more complete and original curriculum through revision of Rules for Designation of Public Health Nurse, Midwife and Nurse Schools and Training Schools.

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