Lactoferrin (LF) is a protein that is rich in breast milk. Recently, it is reported that LF associated with memory and affection to improve cognitive function. Thus, we examined the effect of LF on neurite outgrowth of rat adrenal pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, in this study. Moreover, cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) inhibitor, KG-501 (KG;5mM) was added onto the PC12cells treated with LF. In addition, RNA expression level of Neurofilament light(NF-L) was measured by Real-time PCR. PC12 cells seeded onto 12-well plate (1.2×10⁴cells/well) were cultured in 10% FBS DMEM. After 24h,the cells were incubated for 3 days in serum free DMEM containing LF (250mg/mL) with/without KG. On day1 and 3, morphometric analysis of the neurites and length was performed by Neurocyte Image Analyzer software (KURABO). LF (250mg/mL) significantly enhanced these neuritic parameters. Furthermore, KG inhibited the effects of LF. In result of RT-PCR, the NF-L expression level was significantly incresed by adding of LF. These results suggested that neurite outgrowth should be facilitated by LF and be associated with cAMP. Near future, we will investigate the association of other potential pathways to enhance neurite outgrowth except cAMP pathway, because cAMP inhibition by KG could not suppress neurite outgrowth completely.

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